Industrial Fisheries Management Methodology. Part 1: biology or institutions

  • . Korneyko O.V. Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. Vladivostok. Russia


The  article  discusses  two  approaches  to  the  management  of  aquatic  biological  resources, which are widely known and spawned active discussions in the scientific literature. The analysis shows that none of the theories provides a satisfactory description of the driving forces
and development mechanisms of world industrial fisheries. The main reason, in our opinion, is rooted in their common shortcoming – monocausality, the desire to manage complex marine systems based on one development factor – marine biology or the quality of public insti-
tutions. The paper shows the helplessness of both the bioeconomy and the dominant orthodoxy of institutional economics. The main reason is largely due to the neglect of important factors in the motivation of the behavior of economic agents in the exploitation of water re-
sources. The study is positioned as a pilot, and involves further in-depth development of a management methodology at the nanoscale, the central element of which is the economic actor – the human person, the individual, the innovative entrepreneur, with his dominant
psycho-emotional, behavioral and motivational components.

Keywords:  fish  industry,  fisheries  management,  bioeconomy,  institutional  economics,